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Frequently asked questions

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While working with customers, we’re constantly learning about their needs and managing inquiries that arise. As a result, we’ve included a list of frequently asked questions along with answers in order to provide additional support. If your question isn’t addressed below, get in touch with us and we’ll provide the information you need.

What is Dungeon & Dragons?

Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game (RPG) originally designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. In Dungeons & Dragons, the players form an adventuring party who explore fantasy worlds together as they embark on epic quests and level up in experience. The Game Master is the game's referee and storyteller.

Find out more from the official D&D website.

How do you play?

In D&D, each player creates a heroic character to represent them in the game: this might be a skilled fighter, a devout cleric, a deadly rogue, a spellcasting wizard, or something else entirely!

Together, the Game Master and players create an exciting story where their bold adventurers confront deadly perils. Even if the group doesn’t complete the adventure successfully, the good time and memories make everyone a winner.

Who can play?

Anyone can play Dungeons and Dragons! Awakened Fables players are typically over 18, but please get in touch if you, or someone you know, wants to play.

Do I have to attend every week?

You don't have to attend every session, but if you only pay on a weekly basis and you miss a week, your character won't gain the XP.

We do limit the discrepancy between players who have advanced every week and players who have missed some sessions - so that those players won't be more than a few levels behind.

What do I need to bring?

Just yourself, your character sheet and a bit of imagination - plus your favourite set of polyedral dice! 

Someone might be able to lend some dice if it's your first time, and you're also more than welcome to bring your own character mini.

What is supplied at the venue?

We supply maps, minis, source material and reference books. 

What are the mechanics of gameply?

There are many aspects of playing D&D, depending on the moment and environment in the story.

Anything you want to try and do may be within the realm of possibility, you only have to imagine it. Just tell the GM what you want to do, and they will ask you to roll a D20 - this might be a skill check, an attack, or something else. You will add a modifier  to your roll, according to your character sheet - and your character may be better at some things, and not so good at others!

The Player's Handbook has all the information you need to understand how to play. Purchase one from your local game store to find out more.


If your party is out exploring, the GM might describe your surroundings  and situation - you come to a river, you hear a noise etc. Then you can decide, in character, what you want to do - look for tracks? Investigate the area? See what you recognise? Listen for enemies?

Role play

When you're interacting with people in the world, the GM will role-play as the NPCs (non-player characters) and you can act as your character  in the conversation. Maybe you want to find out more about them, their history, do they have secrets? Do they know anything about the lead you're following? Do you need to manipulate, cajole or threaten them to get the information you need? It's all part of how your character fits into the world, and how they would behave.


Inevitably enemies will strike, and you will enter combat and roll for initiative. Your party members will take turns based on your initiative rolls. During your turn you may take an action, a bonus action and move (the distance will be based on your characters speed). Your character's class, race and even the items you're carrying, will determine what actions you can take - you might attack with a weapon, cast a spell, or activate a feature. 

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